The Central Cove Early Learning Center is expected to open at its new location on Main Street down from Aggie Blvd in the fall and a new logo is needed. “With the move from the old building to the new one, it seemed appropriate that the school’s caterpillar logo would transform into a beautiful butterfly,” shares the announcement. “The Uintah School District is holding a design contest for a logo to represent the new mascot for Central Cove, which is home to a developmental, inclusive preschool program open to all children from ages 3 to kindergarten.” This logo design contest is open to all Uintah School District students in grades 9 through 12 at Uintah High School, Ashley Valley Education Center, and Uintah Online. The creator of the winning design will receive a $500 prize. The deadline to submit a design is Monday, March 3rd, at 5 p.m.