Volunteer Fire Fighters Recognized for Outstanding Service

by | Dec 29, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Vernal City Council approved a resolution on Wednesday, December 16th to recognize the outstanding service provided by a special group. “Twelve of our City/County fire fighters have shown exemplary service to our community for many years,” explains City Manager Quinn Bennion. “They will be transitioning to volunteer employees of the Uintah Fire Suppression Special Service District where they will continue to protect our community with the District’s other volunteer fire fighters. The Mayor and City Council of Vernal City express their deepest appreciation for the years of selfless service rendered to our City and the surrounding area.” The following group of 12 volunteers have served a total of 381 years for the City/County Fire Department: Terry Harvey for 14 years, Ray Richards for 15 years, Dylan Feltch for 16 years, Linda Honeycutt for 18 years, Jason Searle for 18 years, Dale Allred for 21 years, Dave Turner for 22 years, Ron Gardner for 24 years, Randy Batty for 34 years, Sam Howard for 34 years, Brett Wilkins for 36 years, and Duane Paulson with an amazing 66 years of service!

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