Uintah Middle School Looking to Lead, Read, and Succeed

by | Feb 26, 2021 | News | 0 comments

A press release from Uintah Middle School Principal Christy Nerdin has highlighted the school’s focus to lead, read, and succeed. The school has been using the Lexia PowerUp Literacy program to help improve student proficiency in grammar, word study, and reading comprehension. Each of the students complete Lexia units, interact with teachers and set weekly goals. There are currently two ways for students to “level up”, through the Button Bonanza and the whole school competition. When a student levels up in Button Bonanza they receive a button, with different levels getting different buttons in various sizes and designs that they place on a lanyard. There are 10 buttons to earn. The whole school competition has each grade trying to get the most students reading at grade level. Because there are three levels of PowerUp, there are three ways each grade can win. The class that has the most students at grade level will win a day of fun in the sun with outdoor activities chosen by their student council representatives.   

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