Uintah County Republican Central Committee Campaigns Against Count My Vote

by | Oct 27, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah County Republican Central Committee has made it clear, they are against the Count My Vote initiative and they are asking their party members to support the caucus system. “If Count My Vote has their way, the only method [to get a candidate on the ballot for elections] will be to collect signatures,” shares the party. “There will no longer be a method for any party in this state to hold a candidate accountable to their party platform. It will create an environment where only people wealthy enough to do media campaigns on a large scale and to collect the required signatures will be able to run for office.” The Uintah County Republican Central Committee is asking those in support of the caucus system to attend the Count My Vote public meeting at the Uintah County Library
on Saturday, October 28th at 10:00am
to express their support of the caucus convention system.

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