Roosevelt City Passes Budget with Reduced Expenses

by | Jun 22, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Roosevelt City Council met on Tuesday, June 16th, and passed their 2021 fiscal year budget. According to a press release from Roosevelt City, a budget of $6.7 million dollars was passed with a 10 percent reduction of expenses citywide. The reduction of expenses was in anticipation of economic impacts related to COVID-19 and the downturn in the oil and gas industry. “All departments understand the possible economic impacts we’re facing and have reduced expenses appropriately,” shares Kurt Mower, Roosevelt City Finance Director. “It will be a year of addressing needs, not wants…We won’t reduce service to the citizens of Roosevelt, but there may be some impacts. It’s a challenging year because we really don’t know how significant the economic impacts will be or what the duration of those impacts will be.” Roosevelt City shares that public safety and street maintenance are subject to lesser budget cuts and the budget does include $200,000 dollars of reserves for projects dedicated to maintaining the current level of city services, primarily for ongoing street maintenance. “The City will also finish its current capital projects, including major renovations of the Roosevelt Airport which are being funded entirely through grant funding from the Federal Aviation Administration,” shares the City. “A sidewalk and street lighting project on 500 East will also continue as planned with grant funding from the Community Development Block Grant.” 

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