It was disappointing for many in the region when it was announced in the spring that
Flaming Gorge Days in Green River, Wyoming had been canceled due to mismanaged
funds. The former Green River Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency Administrator was
eventually charged for allegedly stealing the funds, charges that 49-year-old Jennifer
Nicole Melvin entered pleas of Not Guilty for in court on Thursday. The police
investigation outlined that between June 8th, 2022 and May 21st, 2023, Jennifer Melvin
had stolen a total of over $42,942 dollars from the Flaming Gorge Days account. The
investigation also revealed that Melvin stole $34,551 dollars from the Urban Renewal
Agency account between January 14th, 2021 and May 30th, 2023 for a total of $77,494
dollars. By entering the plea of Not Guilty for both charges, a trial date has been set and
is on the court schedule for January 8th, 2024. Melvin’s bond has been set at $75,000
Former Green River URA Director Pleads Not Guilty to Felony Theft