Farmers Feeding Utah at Western Park

by | Sep 25, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Coronavirus has affected many people and their livelihood, including the farmers of Utah. Disruption of distribution left the farmers in a very difficult situation that was resting heavy on Ron Gibson, president of the Utah Farm Bureau. After talking about it on a radio show, a man reached out to ask how he could help. Although the man’s suggestion to start a GoFundMe didn’t resonate with Gibson, it did spark an idea. Farmers Feeding Utah was formed to gather donations from the public, purchase Utah farmers food and then donate it to families that need it. To date, the charitable aid program has donated more than 500,000 pounds of fresh farm food which has a retail value of over $600,000. Farmers Feeding Utah will be in Vernal today at the Uintah County Western Park starting at 5pm and going until 7pm or until supplies last. The program will give families and individuals a box of fresh food. So if  any Basin residents are in need or individuals know of someone, spread the word. This program is a great example of entrepreneur spirit, farmer grit, and charitable hearts found throughout Utah.

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