DWR Proposes Changes to Fishing on Uintah Basin Waters

by | Aug 27, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is seeking the public’s feedback on proposed changes to some of Utah’s fishing regulations and other rule amendments. The DWR conducted surveys across the state of anglers in the spring of 2020 concerning the proposed changes. The changes include clarifying that the statewide kokanee salmon limit is four total fish including trout caught, decreasing the statewide wiper daily limit from six fish to three at all waterbodies, increasing the statewide daily limit for northern pike from six fish to 20 fish(with one over 36 inches) and allowing anglers to use bait without hook to fish for crayfish. There are also changes to specific bodies of water in the Basin. For Flaming Gorge, decreasing the bass daily limit from 10 fish to three fish in collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and increasing the maximum number of kokanee salmon allowed in the Flaming Gorge daily trout limit to four fish instead of three. At Pelican Lake, increasing the bluegill daily limit from zero to 15 fish, allowing five fish to be over 7 inches. For Red Fleet Reservoir, creating a seasonal closure for spearfishing and decreasing the daily limit from 50 for each panfish species to a combined total of 50 panfish. Decreasing the daily limit at Starvation Reservoir from 50 for each panfish species to a combined total of 20 panfish. Two other rule changes include waiving the combination and hunting license fees for active military members and changing the requirement for fishing contest/tournaments to require a Certificate of Registration from DWR only if it has 85 or more participants, awarding $2,000 or more in prizes, includes a live weigh-in or has a tagged fish contest.

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