Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office Celebrated During Peace Officer Week

by | May 31, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office received a load of appreciation last week as part of National Peace Officer Week 2017. According to the Sheriff’s Office, every day of the week a special token was shown from the community. The first day, the ladies from the Duchesne County office joined forces to provide a soup lunch for the entire Sheriff’s Office staff and every day that followed food and appreciation was provided. Perhaps most exciting were the bags of goodies made by Charlie Williams, son of Sgt. Detective Flint Williams. The message attached to the goodie bags read, “I would like to thank you for all your hard work. For all of your sleepless nights…For all of the nightmares you see every day in order to keep everyone safe. But most of all I want to thank you for helping keep my dad safe. Thank you for all you do and Happy Law Enforcement Week.” For this and many other gestures, the Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office offered their sincere appreciation for the amazing support.

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