Proposed changes to fishing regulations at Flaming Gorge Reservoir are being explored by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
The Green River Region shared an update this week stating, “The proposed changes are necessary to address an overabundant and growing population of lake trout in Flaming Gorge Reservoir and to coordinate the timing of these changes with the State of Utah, with whom Wyoming shares joint management of this interstate reservoir.
Proposed regulation changes only apply to Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Some of the proposed changes include classifying lake trout in Flaming Gorge as nongame fish while still only allowing possession of one lake trout over 28 inches in length and reducing the creel limit for kokanee from four to three in the aggregate limit of four trout.”
A public comment period is scheduled to open no later than April 18th and close on June 10th. The draft regulations will be shared once the comment period officially opens. A public meeting will be held in Green River, Wyoming at the Game and Fish Regional Office on April 24th at 6pm. If changes are approved, they will become effective on October 1st.
WG&F Propose Changes To Address Lake Trout Problem In Flaming Gorge