Veterans Day 5K Ruck Run

by | Oct 29, 2018 | News | 0 comments

When is a 5k more than a run? When you are experiencing that run in soldier’s gear in what is known as a Ruck Run. Ruck is short for rucksack which is a military slang for a backpack. The roots of rucking lie deep in the military – where long hikes with heavily loaded backpacks are the norm. Troops in areas of real world conflict sometimes lug up to 127lbs of gear. Timed ruck marches are used to prepare soldiers to be able to move themselves, and their essential gear, for long distances quickly. Uintah Basin residents can show their appreciation for our the local heroes by taking part in the Veterans Day Ruck Run. It will be held on Saturday, November 10th at the UBTech Vernal campus. Check-in is at 7:30am and the run starts at 8am. Participants can run single with four weight class (0lbs fun Ruck, 20lbs Recruit, 30lbs Heroic and 40lbs Veteran) or as a team (4 person dividing 160lbs). In recognition of their service, Vets will receive a free shirt. Right after the race will be a pancake breakfast for runners and the whole community to enjoy. Preregister at


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