Uintah School District Responds to ‘Did You Know?’ Ads Targeting Proposition 4

by | Sep 30, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Uintah School District issued a press release on Friday making a detailed response to the ‘Did You Know?’ ads that have appeared on the back page of recent publications of the Basin Nickel Ads dealing with Proposition 4. The press release states that the paid advertisements are, quote, “filled with inaccuracies, misrepresentations and, in some cases, patently false claims. At the same time,” states the school district, “they provide no viable solutions for the real issues the district and the school board must address.” The district provides separate responses to claims in the ads published in Basin Nickel Ads from the following dates: August 13th, 20th, and 27th; and September 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th. To view digital editions of the Basin Nickel Ads, visit www.ubmedia.biz. To view the Uintah School District press release responding to each of the listed ‘Did You Know?’ ads on Proposition 4, visit the Uintah School District Facebook page. 

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