UCSO Recognizes 12-Year-Old as Distinguished Citizen of the Year

by | Feb 22, 2017 | News | 0 comments

A young woman with a big heart was the guest of honor at last week’s annual awards banquet for the Uintah County Sheriff’s Office. After years of service through the Sheriff’s Office, 12-year-old Rylee Deets was recognized as the Distinguished Citizen of the Year. “Every year since Rylee was 2-years-old she has gathered change to bring in to the Sheriff’s Office,” shares Sgt. Brian Fletcher. “Her donation is used for Shop With A Cop to benefit local kids. Rylee is a great example for all of us to follow.” Rylee’s parents, Ryan and Raydean Deets, are rightfully proud of their daughter with the big heart. When Rylee was just 2 the family had the idea of gathering change to donate and even though she was little, Rylee wanted her own jar and has never looked back since.  “She gives of herself and serves other people,” shares Sgt. Fletcher. “We need to recognize this great example of a 12-year-old that takes time out of her life to give back. It’s just really humbling.” Congratulations Rylee Deets, the Distinguished Citizen of the Year.

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