TriCounty Health: National Poison Prevention Week

by | Mar 29, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It’s National Poison Prevention Week and TriCounty Health is urging parents to take greater safety precautions in preventing the poisoning of children. National Poison Prevention Week began in 1961 to educate the public on the dangers of poisonings and what to do to prevent tragedies that can occur. The CDC says that poisoning has taken the lead in cause of deaths from injuries, even passing up car crashes. While poisoning can happen at any age, children under the age of 6 are the most common victims. “Some pills look just like candies and you can’t tell the difference,” shares TriCounty Health representative Jeramie Tubbs. Poison goes beyond pills or medicine, however, and can be in any form including laundry soap, cosmetics, household cleaners, and more. “It is so important to keep products locked up and out of reach of children,” says Tubbs. “Most poisonings occur because a parent was distracted…and it only takes a second because children move so quickly.” TriCounty Health urges families to learn more and take safety precautions in their homes. All are urged to program the poison control number into cell phones and have the number clearly posted in the home. The number for Poison Control is



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