TriCounty Health Annual Flu Shootout Doubles As Pandemic Exercise

by | Sep 27, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Pandemics may be a common theme in science fiction or dystopian novels but what would happen in the event of a real pandemic or mass outbreak in the Uintah Basin? Well, simply put, TriCounty Health Department and local partners would be in charge of dispensing whatever necessary medication or vaccination to the public. In order to prepare for any such event, TriCounty Health uses the annual dispensing of flu vaccines as a time to practice and prepare for the possibility of a real pandemic or mass outbreak.  This year’s annual Flu Shootout will take place October 2nd and 3rd at the USU Uintah Basin campuses from 3 to 7pm. The goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible and prevent the flu as well as get the practice of distributing medications or vaccines in case of emergency in the future. Plan to attend at either Vernal or Roosevelt campus to get your flu shot while also helping local healthcare providers get the practice they need. 

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