State Republican Convention Held Over Weekend

by | Apr 26, 2022 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Republican Convention was held Saturday afternoon in Sandy determining who will face off in the June primary election and who will go straight to represent the Republican Party on the November ballot. Senator Mike Lee won an overwhelming 70 percent of the vote but will still face Becky Edwards and Ally Isom in the June primary election because all three gathered signatures. Isom and Edwards confirmed to Evans Family Media that each intend to wage an aggressive primary campaign to unseat Lee by holding him accountable for his record. With new boundaries, most of the Uintah Basin is now in U.S. House District 3 and the delegates voted Representative John Curtis and Chris Herrod to the primary election. Challengers Tim Alders, Jason Preston, and Lyman Wight were defeated after 2 rounds of voting. Now for a more local focus: Incumbent representative Scott Chew was unopposed for Utah House of Representatives District 55. Incumbent State Senator for District 20, Ron Winterton, secured the votes to skip the primary election and represent the Republican Party in November’s general election. During Winterton’s address to delegates, he expressed pride in being able to serve his district. He emphasized that his attention to and experience with the legislative process combined with the relationships he has built helped him in having all 10 bills passed that he sponsored in this year’s legislative session. For more information, visit 

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