On Saturday, the Lighthouse Fire that started in Emery County on August 16th saw
increased fire activity, producing smoke that was visible in the Uintah Basin. Utah Fire
Info reported over the weekend that the LighthouseFire is 30 percent contained with no
change in acreage reported. “The fire was more active inside its perimeter as flames
moved into pockets of unburned vegetation on the southeast side,” shares the report. “The
fire remains below the Tavaputs Plateau, where firefighters continue to protect values at
risk. Today’s increased fire activity didn’t threaten containment lines but did produce a
column of smoke that was visible in parts of eastern Utah and western Colorado. A
smoke column may be visible over the next few days as conditions in the Desolation
Canyon Wilderness continue to warm up and dry out.” The smoke is expected to still be
visible in areas of the Uintah Basin this week.
Smoke Column Visible In Uintah Basin From Lighthouse Fire