Senator Mike Lee Visits Uintah Basin For Town Hall; Gives Radio Interview

by | Aug 31, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Senator Mike Lee traveled to the Uintah Basin last week for a town hall meeting and made time for a radio interview on Newstalk 104.5 FM and AM 920 KVEL. Among the topics discussed, Senator Lee explained why, unlike Senator Romney, he opposes the Infrastructure Act. “The reason I oppose [the Infrastructure Act] is because the federal government is spending too much money, money it does not have,” shares Senator Lee, who goes on to state that with nearly 30 trillion dollars in debt it does not make sense to add infrastructure in the most expensive way. “Infrastructure is important,” continues Senator Lee. “We all need it but it doesn’t change the fact that most infrastructure is not and should not be federal…We cannot be spending this much additional money and injecting the federal government into these projects that the minute the federal government is involved, the cost of those projects often go up 20 to 30 percent.” As an alternative, Senator Lee proposed the ‘Build More, Pay Less’ option which would facilitate infrastructure projects for less money by removing federal red tape and regulations. Senator Lee also discussed other topics including the crisis in Afghanistan and Uintah Basin projects he supports. To listen to the entire interview with Senator Mike Lee, visit and click on ‘Public Affairs’ under the ‘Community’ tab. 

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