Rumors of Business Closing Due to COVID-19 Exposures “Have No Merit”

by | Aug 31, 2020 | News | 0 comments

TriCounty Health Department has addressed the rumor that a local business had to close due to COVID-19 exposures. “These rumors are only rumors and have no merit,” shares TriCounty Health. “Second, although there have been some places closed due to COVID-19 exposures in the workplace, TriCounty Health was not involved in the decision to close these businesses except in fulfilling our statutory obligation to ‘investigate infectious and other diseases of public health importance and implement measures to control the causes of epidemic and communicable diseases’ (Utah Code 26A-1-114). Based on these investigations we do and will continue to, ‘implement measures’ to control the spread of COVID-19, by placing individuals on quarantine using established protocols. Finally, we continue to encourage businesses and organizations to take appropriate precautions to not only protect the public they serve but also to take measures to protect their workforce as well. All businesses should have plans for continuity of operations around a COVID-19 exposure. For businesses and organizations that might need assistance in developing such a plan, you may reach out to the TriCounty Health Department Emergency Preparedness Division [at] 435-247-1170.”

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