Roosevelt Company Donation will Help Fund UBTech SkillsUSA Competitors

by | Apr 23, 2019 | News | 0 comments

As UBTech students continue to highlight the level of skills and training that they receive by continually achieving at the State and National SkillsUSA competitions, a local business wants to help. Businessmen Todd Bro and Chad Grimm became impressed with how the SkillsUSA competition has a wide outreach of students and the program’s mission to encourage excellence through competition. They made the decision to help those students from UBTech financially so that they  might reach their goals. “We want to provide an easier financial path for students who want to participate in SkillsUSA,” says Todd Bro. The pair partnered with UBTech and have made a $250,000 donation that will help cover costs of students competing at state and national SkillsUSA competitions for the next five years. Chad Grimm worded it best when he said: “ The American workforce is soon going to experience a massive shortage of employees who have the education and skill to work with their hands. We want to be a part of anything that shows what it means to go out and work with your hands and be a producer for this country. SkillsUSA will strengthen these students 100 percent.”

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