Never Hunted? Try the Trial Hunting Program

by | Jul 31, 2019 | News | 0 comments

For Utah it is a common endeavor to go hunting. For those people that are over 12 years old and aren’t sure if they would like hunting, there is a unique program that gives you a chance to try it. Through the Trial Hunting Program you can accompany a licensed hunter who is 21 or older on their hunting experience. To participate, an individual must first complete a brief orientation course and exam so that they can receive an authorization number. Then before you join a hunt you must purchase a Utah hunting or combination license and obtain any permits for the specific hunts allowed, these include combination or hunting licenses (for all small game), general-season deer and elk permits, as well as permits to hunt bear, cougar, sage-grouse, sandhill crane, sharp-tailed grouse, swan and turkey. For those supervising hunters, remember to provide direct and continual supervision, have a valid license, supervise no more than two trial hunters and have written permission from parents and guardians of any trial hunters that are minors.


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