National Weather Service Offers Tips for Lightning Safety

by | Jun 28, 2019 | News | 0 comments

There are many misnomers concerning lightning safety and the US National Weather Service wants to clear them up. The motto is ‘When the Thunder Roars, Go Indoors.’ The only truly safe location is inside a safe building or metal-roof vehicle. However, weather can change quickly so we can be caught in a situation when that is not possible. If that is the case be sure to avoid open fields, the top of a hill or ridge top, tall isolated trees and other tall objects. Stay away from water, wet items and metal objects as they will conduct electricity and the current from lightning flashes can travel long distances. Also if you are in a group spread out so that the current does not travel between members. If you are in the forest stay near a lower stand of trees. Finally if you are camping in an open area set up camp in a ravine, valley or other lower area and recognize that a tent offers zero protection against lightning.

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