BLM Approves Enefit Utility Corridor Project in Uintah County

by | Sep 27, 2018 | News | 0 comments

The Bureau of Land Management issued their Record of Decision on seven right-of-way applications from Enefit American Oil on their proposed utility corridor project in Uintah County. The decision, announced on Wednesday, approved the applications following the BLM’s review of comments and public feedback received during a 60-day comment period. The BLM states that the proposed Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project is consistent with the Trump Administration’s goal of American energy independence and supports the creation of jobs to help local communities. The BLM also states that the construction of the pipelines, power lines, and road could provide 85 to 110 jobs over several years. “Right-of-way projects are tremendous economic drivers that involve critical coordination with our neighbors and stakeholders,” shares BLM Deputy Director Brian Steed. “We are proud to do our part to move this important energy project forward.” The Record of Decision allows Enefit American Oil to construct 13.7 miles of water supply pipeline, 5.58 miles of buried natural gas supply pipeline, 7.18 miles of buried oil product line, two 138-kilovolt H-frame power lines, and upgrade an estimated 5 miles of Dragon Road on public lands in the Vernal Field Office area. Enefit’s proposed corridor project is located approximately 40 miles south of Vernal and would provide access, natural gas, electricity, and water to, and move processed oil from, Enefit’s south project which is located on private land and minerals owned by Enefit. The BLM Record of Decision came after “consideration of both draft and final environmental impact statements.” For more information on the project, call



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