Watch Out For Slurpee Justice Delivered to Vernal City Youth

by | Apr 25, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Youth of Vernal be warned. As of today, Vernal City Police will be looking for youth going about doing good in order to give them a dose of Slurpee justice! For the 23rd year, 7-Eleven is working with law agencies to distribute free Slurpee drink coupons to kids as part of the Operation Chill community-service program. “We are always looking for ways to help our officers build strong relationships in the community,” shares Vernal Assistant Police Chief Keith Campbell. “Operation Chill makes it easy to interact with kids in a positive way.” Children and youth are ‘ticketed’ for good deeds, constructive activities and acts of kindness such as helping another person or participating in a community or police-sponsored event.  The reasons for being ‘ticketed’ vary but the end result is the same, a free Slurpee and a smiling kid.

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