Utah National Parks Will Not Allow ATV’s

by | Oct 30, 2019 | News | 0 comments

A recent Utah state law which was passed caused some concerns among National Parks. The new law allows street legal off-road vehicles (ORVS) on any roads open to cars. While an ORV that meets certain safety standards and requirements can be deemed “street-legal” and able to use the roads, it won’t include National Parks roads. On September 24th the National Park Service Acting Regional Director Palmer Jenkins sent a memo to park administrators that a new policy change to align with the new state law would be put into place. As of Friday October 25th, the National Park Service has rescinded that proclamation. The press release states that “after further consultation between the National Park Service and the Department of Interior, including the Secretary of the Interior, the NPS today directed that all ORV closures at national park sites in Utah currently in place will remain in effect.”

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