UBCA Eagles of the Month

by | Feb 8, 2018 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah Basin Christian Academy Eagles of the Month are Kenna Bowden and Gwen Denniston. Kenna Bowden is a kindergarten student  in Miss Shelley’s class. “[Kenna] is considerate of others and is a friend to all,” shares Miss Shelley. “Kenna is always willing to help out in anyway she can. She is on time everyday and ready to learn [and] takes her time and does her best on all her school work.” Congratulations Kenna Bowden, Uintah Basin Christian Academy Eagle of the Month! Gwen Denniston is a 6th grade student who strives for excellence and is a friend to all. Middle School teacher Mrs. McCrite says Gwen is respectful to the teachers and staff and always greets everyone with a high five. She works hard on every project that she is given and loves math. Congratulations Gwen Denniston, Uintah Basin Christian Academy Eagle of the Month!


Kenna Bowden


Gwen Denniston

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