TriCounty Health Staff Spruce Up Ashley National Forest Trail for Earth Day

by | Apr 25, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Helping hands got to work over the weekend to celebrate Earth Day and the Environmental Health Division at TriCounty Health Department took to Ashley National Forest to do their part. “Every year we try to pick a project for Earth Day,” shares Environmental Health Director Darren Brown. “This year we worked in the Forest on a trail near Bacon Park that is steep and washed out. We worked to get it usable, cut branches off trees, and got about a quarter of a mile of the trail done.” The Forest staff said the group was great to work with and produced quality results constructing trail drainages and installing new signs with fresh posts. The new signs are part of an effort to build signs that are aesthetic and will last. The volunteers from TriCounty Health enjoyed the opportunity to help even though it did snow on them, like it usually does during their Earth Day service projects.


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