Tomorrow’s UBOC ‘A Yuletide Festival’ Concert A Must See Event

by | Nov 30, 2018 | News | 0 comments

To some, the Christmas season is underway
on the first day of December
. To others, it officially begins when they attend the annual Christmas concert for the Uintah Basin Orchestra and Chorus. This year, that happens to be the same day! Tickets are still available for tomorrow’s UBOC ‘yuletide festival’ concerts and the buzz is that the magic and music will be worth every penny spent. Joined once again by the children’s choir and dancers from Studio R, the production will include a narrated Christmas story put to music, and classic Christmas tunes. “I think the highlight will be the final song which is a medley of almost every fun, traditional Christmas song you can think of,” shares UBOC Chair and orchestra member McKenzi Bigler. “From Rudolph to Silver Bells, your most memorable Christmas songs will be in there to put you in the spirit of it being
December 1st
and feeling like Christmas can officially begin.” The
concerts will be held at the Vernal Middle School. Get tickets at

, Davis Food and Drug, or at the door.


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