Simple Changes Recommended for State Pheasant Hunt

by | Apr 25, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The Division of Wildlife Resources is always thinking ahead to the next hunt and some changes are being recommended for the statewide general pheasant hunt. According to an announcement this week, it’s being recommended that there be just one general pheasant hunt that would start the first Saturday of November and end on the firstSunday of December. The hunt would be open on both public and private land while in the past, the chance to hunt for 30 days was only available on public land. The hunt on private land ended after just 14 days. A conservation group called Pheasants Forever came up with the idea and brought it before the DWR. “We like the idea,” shares Upland Game Coordinator Jason Robinson. “The change would make it easier to know when the hunt begins and ends. Anything we can do to make hunting rules easier to understand – while ensuring wildlife remain protected – is a good thing.” For more information, visit


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