Senator Romney Interview Covers Infrastructure Bill and Afghanistan Crisis

by | Aug 26, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Utah Senator Mitt Romney took time for a radio interview on Newstalk 104.5 FM and AM 920 KVEL this week as he’s been traveling around the state to discuss the Senate passed Infrastructure Bill and Jobs Act. Senator Romney said he supports the Infrastructure Bill because it is a bipartisan bill and is the best option available. The Democratic Party has the numbers to approve their own plan without Republican support which, Romney says, would be a total waste of money and a disaster. The bipartisan option, however, is half as expensive as the ‘Democrat-only’ plan and actually does what it aims to do, which is invest in infrastructure projects. Senator Romney gave a breakdown of the funds. $650 billion dollars is what was already in the annual budget as a baseline for infrastructure like bridges, highways, and power lines. The remaining $550 billion dollars on top of that is broken down as additional funds for more roads and bridges as well as other infrastructure such as water and transit projects. When asked if rural Utah will get its fair share, Romney said Utah will receive a good portion of funds and projects in the state will generally be on an application basis. One project benefiting rural Utah primarily is funds to expand Broadband. Senator Romney also commented at length on the ‘Human Infrastructure Bill’ (which he does not support and called very bad policy), skyrocketing inflation, and the situation in Afghanistan. The entire interview can be accessed by clicking here:

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