Roosevelt City Grows with Grants

by | Apr 18, 2019 | News | 0 comments

It takes a lot of work to keep a city functioning and growing. Roosevelt City has been doing both thanks to the efforts of Ryan Snow, City Manager and John Zilles, Financial Director/Assistant City Manager. Through the 2018-2019 fiscal year, Roosevelt applied for over $13 million dollars in grant funding. That is impressive on its own but compared to the fact that the city had a $3.2 million budgeted revenue from sales and property tax makes it that much more amazing. The city has received nearly every grant it applied for and those grants that they haven’t are still pending. “Including our expected construction this year, over the last four years, we will have spent $20 million dollar on infrastructure improvements,” said Snow. “Nearly all of that came from grants. We’ve made more progress than we ever could have if we were just operating on our tax revenue.” Ryan Snow adds,“I don’t know if our residents truly understand how unique this is. We’ve been able to change the face of our city, and we’ve done most of it without spending local taxpayer dollars. In the last four years, our grant funding has at least doubled our tax revenue every year.” In fact, this year alone, Snow explains, Roosevelt City could quadruple their tax revenue in grants.


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