Representative Bishop on Washington and Getting Things Done

by | Aug 16, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Representative Rob Bishop spoke during the Uintah County Republican Organizing Convention last Thursday and provided an outlook on the happenings in Washington, D.C. “It’s not as bad as it seems,” shares Bishop. “We have passed more legislation in this President’s first 6 months than during any other administration but you don’t hear about that.” Bishop says he is looking forward to heading back to D.C. in September to continue work on what he calls extremely important issues that are moving forward like the Sportsman’s Bill that address gun rights as well as looking at monuments and the Antiquities Act. Bishop says he feels pressure to perform stating that this is not the first time there has been a Republican Senate, House and Presidency but it’s crucial that they don’t “screw it up” again. “We actually need to do things in statute,” shares Bishop, “and streamline the process so it can last beyond this Presidency.” Bishop also noted that there continues to be local land issues and that while it will take time to get there, he assured that “one way or another we will be successful.”


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