New Sage Grouse Order to “Complement State Efforts”

by | Aug 9, 2017 | News | 0 comments

A Sage Grouse report from the Department of the Interior review team could be good news for local land management. The report poses possible plan and policy modifications to complement state efforts to improve Greater Sage-Grouse conservation and economic development on public lands. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke made a statement on the report Monday, stating that he has directed the Deputy Secretary to begin implementation of the recommendations and to direct the BLM, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and other offices, to immediately follow through on the short- and long-term recommendations. Secretary Zinke signed Secretarial Order 3353 that aims to strengthen communication and collaboration between states and the federal government. While conservation efforts will continue, the new order ensures that those efforts are not to impede local economic opportunities.

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