Naples First Christmas Tree Lighting Draws Huge Crowd

by | Nov 30, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The 1st annual Naples City Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony was a huge success
Tuesday night
. 500 people gathered on the newly landscaped Naples City Plaza next to the City Offices waiting for Santa to arrive and for the tree to be lit up. Mayor Baker welcomed the crowd with an emotional message about celebrating the Christmas season and the birth of Jesus Christ. “Let’s make it a time of caring, giving, and service,” shared Mayor Baker. “May we remember to help our friends and neighbors around us in the City, especially the poor and unfortunate…When we are strong as a community we accomplish the good that is in each of us for the betterment of all mankind.” His sincere message was followed by the children’s choirs from Davis and Naples Elementary who entertained the masses with Christmas carols. While the children’s choirs sang their final song, Santa arrived in style traveling on top of a fire engine. Cheers erupted when the tree was lit with its 10,000 lights making for a great start to what is sure to be a favorite annual tradition.

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