Moon Lake Electric CEO Warns Of Energy Crisis

by | Jul 5, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Moon Lake Electric CEO Yankton Johnson is urging the Biden administration to consider what an energy crisis would do to individuals. Simply put, as an electricity deficit increases, the cost of electricity will increase and the less fortunate will not be able to afford it. Moon Lake Electric issued a declaration last month warning of an impending energy crisis in the United States, placing the blame squarely on federal energy policies. The Moon Lake Electric Board’s statement in support of the declaration states that “the current U.S. Energy Policy does not align with the best interests of the American people”. The board further urges “the U.S. government, State of Utah, State of Colorado, and local governmental officials to articulate, promulgate, and implement ‘common sense’ rationale to U.S. Energy Policy thereby mitigating the foreseeable energy crisis and calamities that await.” The closure of coal-fired power plants in western Colorado and increased EPA regulations that are shutting down plants in Utah are examples of the growing imbalance. Even though Moon Lake Electric supports the pursuit of all forms of energy, including renewable energy, Johnson makes it clear that the technology is just not there to cut out the traditional energy sources without causing a crisis. 

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