Furever Buddies Looking for Foster Homes

by | Apr 30, 2019 | News | 0 comments

For those people and individuals that love animals and want to be able to help but might have limited time to commit, the Furever Buddies would have you consider being a pet foster parent. A representative for Furever Buddies states, “if you want to do something to help the animals, fostering can be a flexible, fun and rewarding volunteer job.” As a foster volunteer you provide a temporary home just prior to an animals adoption. For those curious as to why there is even a foster program, there are actually several reasons including: the animal shelter being full, the animals are struggling in a shelter environment, newborns that need bottle fed, and the animal is recovering from injury or illness. It can be difficult as the primary role is to prepare the animal for adoption. What is nice is that the shelter provides foster parents with all the necessary food, medication, kennels, leashes, collars, etc. that they may need to care for the animal or animals. If you are considering fostering, contact Furever Buddies at




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