Flaming Gorge Ranger District Buckboard Marina Boundary Realignment

by | Mar 30, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The Flaming Gorge Ranger District is exploring a boundary realignment for Flaming Gorge’s Buckboard Marina and now is the time to offer input. The adjustment would remove water acreage but would add areas of land to the south and east and ultimately would increase the acreage. “The water level at Flaming Gorge Reservoir has dropped drastically over the last 5 years,” shares the announcement. “The bay where the marina stations the docks has dropped in elevation to a point where they cannot function properly, as the cliffs pose too steep of a drop now that the water has receded. The reduced water has also created an encroachment of dispersed campers to the south that have created management difficulties for both the marina and for law enforcement…By adjusting the boundary to exclude water acreage and add additional land areas, the marina would be able to move docks and water facilities to deeper water locations and continue to service the recreating public in this area.” Comments are being accepted until April 21st. 

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