DWR Encourages Pheasant Hunting for Basin Locals

by | Nov 18, 2016 | News | 0 comments

The snow is flying and pheasant hunting is heating up. According to DWR Conservation Outreach Manager Tonya Kieffer, around 400 birds will be released this weekend around the Uintah Basin. “We encourage families, youth and parents to get out,” shares Kieffer, who encourages residents to visit


to search for the areas where pheasants will be released locally. The website is also a valuable resource to ensure you know rules of hunting in certain areas. There are areas where hunters must use non-lead ammunition. Conservation Officer Randy Scheetz notes that it’s important for hunters to adhere to the bag limit of 2 males per day. “Some people try to take more,” shares Scheetz. If anyone sees hunters in more than one area they are encouraged to let the DWR know. Finally, hunters are reminded to follow proper gun safety and always unload weapons before packing up into your vehicle.

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