Duchesne Volunteer Fire Department on Creating a Home Fire Escape Plan

by | Dec 31, 2019 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne Volunteer Fire Department has shared information on a very important topic: creating a home fire escape plan. A home fire can become life-threatening in just two minutes and within five minutes a residence can be completely engulfed in flames. It’s important to have a plan in place before emergency strikes.” Create and practice a fire escape plan…When preparing a plan be sure to find two ways to get out of each room in the event the primary way is blocked by fire or smoke. A secondary route might be a window onto a neighboring roof or a collapsible ladder for escape from upper story windows. Make sure that windows are not stuck, that screens can be taken out quickly, and that security bars can be properly opened. Practice feeling your way out of the house in the dark or with your eyes closed and teach children not to hide from firefighters.” Once you have a plan in place be sure to practice it at least twice each year.

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