Duchesne County Pope House

by | Jul 8, 2016 | News | 0 comments

A unique museum in Duchesne County is rallying the community to see local history preserved into the future. The historic collection of Fred and Marie Pope, housed in what is called the “Pope House”, relies on the generosity of the community to keep afloat with an upcoming fundraiser that will provide treats, entertainment and even a blacksmith demonstration. Duchesne County Economic Development Director Irene Hansen gives praise to the volunteers and to Duchesne City for making sure that this icon is protected and preserved. “Decades of art and historical vignettes tell of our history, hard work and pioneer heritage,” shares Hansen. “These amazing families who came to the Basin in the early 1900’s made it possible for us to have the life and livelihood that we have here today. It is so important that we continue to treasure and make this museum available to future generations.” The Pope House BBQ benefit and community celebration is being held Saturday, July 23rd from 11am to 2pm.

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