Duchesne County Indian Canyon Road Project Receives Award

by | Feb 14, 2019 | News | 0 comments

A Duchesne County road project is the recipient of an award.

Roads and Bridges

is a 111-year-old trade publication focusing on transportation, construction and maintenance. In its February issue, the publication announced the winners of the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA) awards. The crews that worked on U.S. 191 through Indian Canyon received the award in the cold-in place (CIR)recycling category. Cold-in place recycling is a method of removing the top 2 to 5 inches of existing asphalt, crushing it, then adding an asphalt recycling agent  and then finally placing it back down. This particular project had some very difficult challenges in that it ran 43.5 miles, started at 6,000 ft above sea level and went to over 9,100ft, had shifting topography, was quite remote and had limited right-of-way. On top of all that, it had heavy truck usage. “With the elevation and grades we were dealing with, it surprised everyone who worked on this project how quickly we got it done,” Stephen Steed, safety manager for Coughlin Co., told

Roads & Bridges

. Despite the tight work conditions and many challenges, the crew was able to get done early. “We finished up 2-3 days ahead of schedule, which helped Burdick get down to the overlays and UDOT to do the testing and evaluations,” said Steed. Jared Wright of Western Emulsion said they “didn’t have to make any adjustments to the emulsion, and Coughlin’s work was spot-on”, saying it might be the best-looking CIR job he’s ever seen and that it was a pleasure to be part of its success.

Photo Credit: roadsbridges.con

Photo Credit: roadsbridges.con

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