Dinosaur National Park a Main Stop for Alaska Geology Students

by | Aug 29, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Ready for a strange question? What does Dinosaur National Park share in common with Alaska? If you said they are both in the United States that is a correct answer but more interestingly they have shared 16 students. The GeoFORCE Alaska program is a four-year program to help rural students to get involved in careers in science and technical fields, specifically geology. The students would join 10-day field expeditions throughout the United States, explains an article in The Arctic Sounder. These expeditions would allow the students to be in real and new environments while providing college-level instruction. It is a program that is entirely funded by donations. For the students final year expedition, they started at Dinosaur National Monument and ended up at the Yellowstone National Park. Congratulations to the GeoFORCE students on you four year achievement. 

Image source: geoforce.alaska.edu

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