Cottontail Population in Uintah Basin Remains Near Record High

by | Aug 28, 2017 | News | 0 comments

With the upland game hunts right around the corner, the Division of Wildlife Resources is reporting that the cottontail rabbit population in the Uintah Basin is still near a record high though down a bit from last year. Rabbit numbers are still at the top of a 10-year population peak and snowshoe hares in Utah are doing well too, reports the DWR. Biologists aren’t sure why but cottontail rabbits across the country have a 10-year population cycle. Populations grow for about 10 years before abruptly falling off for a couple years and bottoming out. Upland Game Coordinator Jason Robinson says Utah is likely in its last year of the population peak. “It looks like rabbit numbers have dropped a bit, but not much,” shares Robinson. “I think hunter success–in parts of Utah–will be well above average this year.” Cottontail hunting hotspots last year were concentrated in Duchesne and Uintah County. They continue to hold the highest numbers in the state. Hunts for both rabbits and hares will open
on September 1st.
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