Community Health Needs Assessment By UBH Released

by | Sep 1, 2020 | News | 0 comments

As part of the Affordable Care Act, hospital organizations need to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment every three years. The Uintah Basin Healthcare assessment showcases what the community perceives as top health concerns. The assessment found that the local community feels that their health is improving with 49% viewing overall health as “healthy” and 40% selecting “somewhat healthy”. “Overall, the survey and key stakeholder findings indicate the community is happy with UBH and many of the services available in the rural area. Responses indicate that the hospital is seen as an important partner and collaborator with the community. Survey and key stakeholder responses were consistent in most areas” stated the National Rural Health Resource Center. The top three concerns expressed were 1) diabetes, 2) alcohol abuse and 3) drug use. With these concerns at the forefront of the community, UBH can create plans to help address the concerns. To address diabetes  they plan to grow the Diabetes Education and Registered Dietitian offerings, hosting a 5k/fun run annually, promoting an employee wellness program, and sponsoring wellness-related community/school activities. The providers will monitor children’s weight/height/BMI routinely and connect or refer families to a breastfeeding support or nutrition educator. The providers/departments are also implementing monitoring systems for patients at risk for diabetes. UBH is looking to implement several other initiatives to address drug misuse and alcohol abuse. 

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