Month: April 2018

North Myton Fire Contained

North Myton Fire Contained

A fire that began Tuesday afternoon northeast of Myton was contained thanks to the efforts of 9 agencies. According to the North Myton Fire Unified Command, which is composed of fire officials from state, tribal, county, and local departments, the North Myton Fire started at about 3:00pm and burned an estimated 30 to 50 acres on private and tribal land roughly 2 miles northeast of Myton.

Team Uintah Recognizes Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce

Team Uintah Recognizes Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce

The Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce is being recognized this week by Team Uintah for their support of public schools. “Whenever there is a need in one of our schools, the Chamber and its leaders will find a way to help,” shares Team Uintah. “Chamber representatives are an incredible resource for the district’s new employees, showing them the amazing things this great community has to offer.”

Spring Cleanup Event Planned for Downtown Vernal

Spring cleaning goes beyond scrubbing baseboards and cleaning windows. The Downtown Revitalization Committee is inviting any and all to participate in the second annual downtown Vernal clean up day coming up next week. The plan is to help beautify downtown to make it a great place to visit during the Dinah-Soar days scheduled the next weekend.

Upcoming ‘Drug Take Back’ Event Stretched Over Two Days, Three Locations

An opportunity to make your home and community a safer place is coming up this weekend with the Drug Take Back events in Uintah and Duchesne Counties. Drug Take Back events give the public an opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by giving citizens the chance to safely dispose of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.

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