139 Earthquakes Raise Some Questions

by | Feb 28, 2019 | News | 0 comments

While Bluffdale, Utah
is not in the Uintah Basin, any city in Utah that is having 139 earthquakes over a 12 day period might cause concern. And so it did! The state has been answering many questions concerning earthquakes in an effort to ease and prepare minds. It was asked if the recent Bluffdale earthquakes are unusual and if smaller earthquakes make a big one less likely? The answer to both of these questions ise no. Utah experiences about 700 earthquakes every year with an average of 13 of them being a magnitude of 3 or greater. Despite the frequency, smaller earthquakes do not release enough stress to reduce the likelihood of a large earthquake. The Utah Division of Emergency Management reminds residents that the Utah Seismic Safety Commission has a free publication to inform them about earthquake hazards and preparedness. It is entitled ‘Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country’. There is several ways to get a copy but if you go to


you can download a free copy.

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Photo Credit: Credit: University of Utah Seismograph Stations

Photo Credit: Credit: University of Utah Seismograph Stations

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