The Basin’s Reliable News Source

Honest, unbiased news that will keep you aware of what’s happening without telling you how you should feel about it. Learn the truth so that you can speak the truth.

Project Alley Announces Purchase Of Home

Project Alley Announces Purchase Of Home

The effort to build up sober living services for women struggling with substance-use disorder took a major leap forward this week in the Uintah Basin. ‘Project Alley’ is a nonprofit organization headed by a group of local faith leaders and representatives that have...

Rosy-Finch Viewing Event This Saturday

Rosy-Finch Viewing Event This Saturday

The viewing event to see a pretty bird called the rosy-finch in the wild is this weekend.   "This is a great time of year to bundle up and get outdoors for some fresh air and bird-watching," shares DWR Northeastern Region Outreach Manager Tonya...

Tips For Staying Safe Online

Tips For Staying Safe Online

Local police departments are reminding the community to be cautious and teach your kids to take online safety seriously. Some tips they share to protect yourself online and to teach your kids include: Think before you post – Once it’s online, it’s out there forever;...

For Health Sake: Healthy Romantic Relationships

For Health Sake: Healthy Romantic Relationships

A representative from Friends Against Family Violence recently visited the Evans Family Media studio to discuss a very important topic: having a healthy romantic relationship. This relationship is considered the most important because when it gets off track,...

Uintah FFA Chapter Compete In National Competition

Uintah FFA Chapter Compete In National Competition

Uintah School District shared in their weekly district update that students in Uintah High’s FFA chapter competed last month in the Northeast Wisconsin Virtual CDE Invitational. The event was open to teams from across the nation. FFA chapter advisor David Wilson said...

USU Uintah Basin Speaker Series Presentation This Month

USU Uintah Basin Speaker Series Presentation This Month

Utah State University Uintah Basin has yet another event coming up as part of the Uintah Basin Speaker Series. This month, the community is invited to a presentation by Clair Canfield on Conflict Transformation. Canfield is a Senior Lecturer in Communication Studies...

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It’s not possible for any one person or organization to be everywhere and know everything all at once. That’s why we need you to keep your eyes and ears open for potentially important or significant happenings.
If you know about something newsworthy that we’ve missed, please share your information with us so that we can keep our community well-informed.


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